Plant info :-
Crassula muscosa, synonyms Crassula lycopodioides and Crassula pseudolycopodioides, is a succulent plant native to South Africa and Namibia, belonging to the family of Crassulaceae and to the genus Crassula
Crassula lycopodioides (watch chain) is a small, vertical-growing succulent with pointed tiny light-green leaves, densely packed around the thin stem, resembling scales. It grows to be intricate bush up to a foot tall. The flowers are little and yellow-green.
Plant care :-
use well-draining porous soil.
keep it in daylight – mine is on a windowsill.
water infrequently – no more than once a week – the soil should look & feel dry.
prune leggy branches as needed
plant fertilization:-
According to the type of fertilizer, it is preferable to review us before using any type
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